WINEP, 10 Feb 09: Countering Transnational Threats: Terrorism, Narco-Trafficking, and WMD Proliferation
Table of Contents

Tackling the Terrorist Threat: Progress Made and Future Challenges
Kenneth Wainstein, Homeland Security Advisor

The Future of the Middle East
Thomas Fingar, Chairman of the National Security Council

Building the Global Counterterrorism Network
Michael Vickers, Assistant Secretary of Defense

Assessing the Fight against al-Qaeda
Ted Gistaro, National Intelligence Officer for Transnational Threats

Confronting the Challenge of Iran: Comprehensive Solutions for a Comprehensive Threat
Mario Mancuso, Undersecretary of Commerce for Industry and Security

Drug Trafficking and Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups: A Growing Nexus?
Michael Braun, Chief of Operations, Drug Enforcement Agency