Quote Originally Posted by Rob Thornton View Post
Does supporting the development of FSF (Foreign Secuirty Forces) require a "Developmental" mindset?

What do you think a "Developmental" mindset means as opposed to the mindset we might have toward other operations?

Are there DOTMLPF implications? Is supporitng the development of FSF as simple as just accounting for the augmentation such as bodies to fill advisor teams and some additional ESS (Enablers, Sustainment and Support) functions to support distributed operations - or is there something different with regards to the nature of the HQs implementing the developmental activities that needs to be considered? What else needs to be considered?

I ask this with the understanding that we still need to account for additional requirements that may occur as a result of conditions and objectives (which will vary).

Best, Rob
Could you perhaps be slightly more explicit?

Are we talking about (heart of a teacher) stuff, or historian perspective approach, or just plain how do I think about what I'm training from the HN's historical,cultural, and environmental perspective?