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Thread: The Creation of Mechanized SOC Units

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  1. #11
    Council Member Ken White's Avatar
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    Lot of myths about that drop. Broadly irrelevant. One can criticize several aspects of it including the necessity and the C and C issues -- which none of us can really comment on with any accuracy because even if we have access to SOME of the AARs, they only tell what the writer wanted told. If one was not there, one cannot know what transpired.

    It was also apparently a bad drop, the AF inadvertently extended a one click DZ to 10KM and it took almost 15 hours for the Bn TF to assemble and get functional. If that's correct, it's a situation that is likely to have played in the alleged decision of the Bde Cdr to reject 10th Gps efforts to direct him and the unit (as he had no effective unit at the time); that and the rank of the 10th Gp person on the ground AND what that person directed. None of which we know...

    As for the necessity of a jump -- may or may not have been such a need at Drop time on 26 Mar 03. That's not really germane. The issue is what was the perceived requirement and situation on the ground at the time the planning commenced almost certainly five or quite likely more days prior to the drop...

    In any event they get credit for a combat drop -- and it was about as much combat as all the others after WW II saw...

    The Ranger drop in Grenada, incidentally was not 1st and 2d Bn but a 'select' bunch (I use the word 'bunch' advisedly -- it was not a unit) of senior SPC, NCOs and Officers from both Bns. Bad way to do business. In the 1/504 Jump into Panama, a somewhat similar shuffle took place; a few troops from the Bn were left behind so some senior folks from other Bns could make the jump. Unit integrity and Integrity at their finest...
    Last edited by Ken White; 02-16-2009 at 11:01 PM.


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