from Marc
there is an "ideal" and then interpretations of the ideal (then we get into your implementations; I would just argue that the implementations are of the interpretations, not the ideal itself). As such, I find it hard to distinguish "a" US ideology (or any other group for that matter!). I view ideologies as deriving from interpretations of ideas rather than from the ideals themselves.
Principle (ideal) > interpretation of ideal > implementation of interpretation.

Concept 1 (expressed in words) > Concept 2 (expressed in words) > Actions to implement Concept 2. "Ye shall know them by their deeds"

You look at ideology toward a different proof point than I. Not a problem so long as we can agree on a common operating definition. That is often lacking in polls.

I won't say which is superior - although since I live on Lake Superior, I have to claim superiority (as do all Yoopers in their heart of hearts).