Quote Originally Posted by Ratzel View Post
What makes these units "Special Operations Capable?" Is there a selection process and/or advanced training they go through?

The MEU(SOC) PTP certifies the MEU, Special Operations Capable, in a 6 mth certification program before each deployment.

Zodiac-borne Company sized Clandestine Raid fr/the sea. A Limited Scale Amphibious Raid designed to Clandestinely Destroy enemy Encampments or Fortifications, or Capture key personnel on foreign soil w/no outside support.

Helo-borne Deep Raid. A Comp sized Raid designed to do the same as the Clandestine Amph Raid out to 400mi fr/the sea on foreign soil w/no outside support.

Deep TRAP. One was performed by the 15th MEU(SOC) to pick up a Delta tm & their downed Black Hawk in the opening days of A'stan in Oct '01.

Non-Combatant Evac Ops on hostile foreign soil
Prisoner Snatch
Special Reconnaissance & Urban Ops
(National Level Asset) Signal Intel Exploitation (RRT)
Advanced Surveillance Target Acquistion (STA)
HumInt Exploitation (HET)

These among others assigned to the MEU are labeled by the DOD as Special Operations.

The MEU(SOC), although capable of conducting these mission is not, purposefully by design, a SOF but is labeled by the DOD as a General Purpose Force (GPF) capable of conducting select Special Operations, hence Special Operations Capable.