Five former Gitmo detainees, repatriated to France and who were convicted on French terrorism charges in 2007, have had those convictions overturned by a French intermediate appeals court.

Paris appeals court acquits ex-Guantanamo inmates
By JAMEY KEATEN, Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

(02-24) 12:50 PST PARIS, France (AP) --

A Paris appeals court on Tuesday overturned the terrorism convictions of five former detainees at Guantanamo Bay, ruling French police agents were out of line in questioning them at the U.S. prison camp.

France is among the few Western countries to prosecute nationals who have returned home from Guantanamo — and the ruling marks the latest high-profile foreign disavowal of the secretive center that President Barack Obama's administration wants to shutter for good.

The appeals court ruled that agents from the French counterterrorism agency DST who questioned the five inmates at Guantanamo in 2002 and 2004 had overstepped their roles. Overturning a lower court's conviction, the appeals court said DST could not act as both a spy agency and a judicial police service, the body French law says is authorized to interrogate detainees.

State prosecutors said they would appeal to the highest French court, the Court of Cassation.
The logic of the appellate court closely follows the logic of the Eminent Jurists discussed above. Note that the sentence involved was 1 year.