quite a tour. I expect more of this, not only by released detainees so far named, but by others - e.g., Mohamed Farag Bashmilah.

Another former Gitmo guard, making the US media circuit, is Brandon Neely, whose statement is here. Neely is presently active in the Houston chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War.[*]

The journalist who has followed the Gitmo cases most closely (many articles and a book) - from the detainees' viewpoint - is UK resident Andy Worthington, who lives in London.

I expect this cottage industry to grow - exponentially if Sen. Leahy's proposed Truth & Reconciliation Commission flies.

[*] Ex-guard Arendt is also connected with IVAW, and testified last year at the Winter Soldier Hearings. The latter is also a road show - in Austin TX on 28 Feb. IVAW is an affiliate of Veterans for Peace, whose board is bio'd here.

Another affiliate is VVAW (Vietnam Veterans Against the War), which is a splinter from a splinter of the original VVAW of the late 60s and early 70s. Barry Romo, who spoke at 2008 Winter Solder, is probably its best known member from his role in 1971 Winter Soldier.

None of these groups should be confused with VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America), which is congressionally chartered under Title 36, USC - VVA webpage.