If you haven't already discovered it, one earlier conversation was on this Thread; go back to Post 7 (LINK) and read down to Post 24 when the thread re-concentrates on squad organization. However, if you skip forward to post 72 on page 4 of this thread, there's one more comment.

IIRC there was another discussion earlier but I'm having trouble finding it. Will keep looking.

Two things I would add, you'll note the Army is keeping the M249. FWIW some of the Army folks are not great M249 fans citing heavy maintenance and still frequent failures.

There are efforts to reduce the weight and improve the reliability. In my experience, those two efforts counteract each other. For example, the SEALs use the Mk 46, a lightened SAW and the 82d and some units have some modified SAWS. Both are okay for short term SEAL like missions but cannot take the day to day beating an infantry weapon has to live with, they're too fragile. Same is true for the Mk 48, a 249 on steroids for the 7.62 NATO cartridge; it's a lot lighter than the 240 -- and a lot less durable.