Dave's comment would probably be accurate if we could a) redefine "FID" to include missions other than countering "insurgency, subversion and lawlessness" (Do we really want to develop forces for use soley against their own fellow citizens?) and get big Army/USAF/USN/USMC to embrace it (the Army doesn't even have FID doctrine, only Army Special Forces do) and b) expand security assistance to encompass broader missions than are currently authorized. SA folks (I am an SAO) have painted themselves into a little corner that is so restrictive that it is near irrelavent.

When we went into Iraq and Afghanistan we found situations that required much more robust solutions than we had on the books. We made things up as we went along, and maybe we even managed to muddle through. The bottom line is that we need to do a better job, and we need the entire joint force to be able to do it.