Quote Originally Posted by patmc View Post

Thank you, sir. It was not received on our end in that manner. We were told go home, watch, and discuss. No guidance or emails. Even the instructors were wondering why we were doing it.

Presentation matters.

And George, it may not have happened, but we were told it was. And executed as such.

Thanks for your feedback.

As some on this thread said they then went back to class the next day and did discuss it, I would have to assume the discussion happened but was questioning where is a written General Order to do so?

I as many of you in our years of active even reserve service taught classes on various topics "as required" by my commands, some of which involved cultural and political considerations of other nations where we had or might in future be focused.

We all took an oath when commissioned to follow the orders of those over us. But there are Orders and there are alleged Orders, which is what in fewest possible words I was trying to question. That's all.

I agree that we as individual citizens should be aware of and intersted in the running of our government, but I also agree with some on here who observe our job is not to run the government but to follow Orders.

Freedom of speech is found in our civilian lives but to me, at least, the military has limits, rules and regulations which in effect have to do with doing your job, not debating whether or not you should do your job.

Interested in anyone else's feedback further on this topic. Thanks.