Some posters here seem to thing that some sort of Orwellian plot is afoot.

Shifting a bit from the topic of Captains and Majors who may have been "ordered" to watch the State of the Nation Address to Congress, I often see TV news interviews of our grassroots troops, men and women, who are asked very political, policy making or questioning of national command structure policies.

I am not happy with some of the answers these troops, all branches of the service, give to these loaded questions, especially when they are interviewed on duty, in uniform.

Off duty, we can expect particuarly National Guard and Reserve troopers to offer their opinions in letters to the editor, call in programs, and such.

What is more serious, in my view, are some members of the US Senate or Congress who violate secrecacy oaths they take to have access to highly classified briefing made to Congress, which even they, as civilians, are not free to disclose and either attack or support publicly. What do you do with a, say, Senator Finestine from Calif, who is sister in law to Hillary Clinton, when she breaks secrecacy laws regarding military ops in and around Pakistan?