Quote Originally Posted by patmc View Post
What was so important about this speech, or this President as to warrant that order?
This was the line I was addressing.

Ken White: 1940-41. Only one war but it was a little bit more of a war and it did cover two major fronts and both oceans; the economy had been in the tank -- not down; in the tank -- for over 10 years. Unemployment nationwide had gone down from over 25% but was still above 10% at the start of that of 1941 (now it's 7.6%).

1961 - no war per se but several major threats; Bay of Pigs, missiles in Cuba, lot of rumbling in Germany, Viet Nam. Economy was down, unemployment was about 7%, fairly similar to now.
Thought about WWII. I still wonder was it the policies prior to the war or the war that got the economy rolling again or both?

Didn't think about the 60s, didn't know the economy wasn't good then, thought that didn't hit till the 70s. Thank you for the historical perspective.

Ken White: Why?

That doesn't track. Sons and daughters have no bearing whatsoever and the rules for the Guard and Reserve are different as they should be.
IMO it does track when said son/daughter is present in uniform along side the parents. Otherwise makes no difference to me. Understand the nature of the beast anything for an advantage, but would it be used today if there was no war? There being different rules governing the Guard/Reserves is good, but one should not be able to serve or run for office while serving in the Guard/Reserves, kind of a conflict of interest IMO.