Quote Originally Posted by George L. Singleton View Post
About not running for public office while serving in uniform.
essentially a bunch of civilians in uniform ala WW II and a quote Professional unquote force. Your example was one of many at the end of WW II. That was then, this is now. We have not sent the whole nation to war (whether we should have is not germane, we did not), we have not seen a half million killed, a per capita rate of .00292 -- .3%.
Todays numbers are 1% of the WW II numbers, the per capita rate is .000016. It was a different time. Even your service and mine was in a different era. Remember also that most officers in WW II were, as I'm sure your example was, Reserve officers. Different rules.

Having said that, recall the Navy let John Kerry (a Reserve officer) leave early to run for office during Viet Nam and that the Army has released people to join sports teams in this war. Further realize that a number of folks who have gotten out of the services in the last few years have run for office waving their military credentials
If this was acceptable then, it ought to be acceptable today, but I am unaware of such goings on today?
They're out there Google should find some for you. They're almost all Guard or Reserve officers except Joe Sestak.