Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
This may be because systems thinking works extremely well for creating presentations with which to gain buyin on a particular COA. It helps to draw the picture. It does not OTOH give the "right" answer. It as with so many other forms of planning is an effective guide but unfortunately gets sold as the silver bullet sometimes.

Thats probably why you see so much blowback on it.

Getting buyin is all about the sale, getting it done is all about the soldier, I havn't seen too many complain about it when its kept in that context

Ron, that is a rather penetrating insight. I would add that people often forget that for it to be really useful you have to do a fractal analysis down to where the targets are concrete(tactical level). I did this at a workshop recently and people were surprised how useful at problem solving it can be when brought down to this level instead of just leaving it with broad general concepts (Strategic Level). No one ever told them to do this!