Quote Originally Posted by TROUFION View Post
Unclass version- the Coalition and Afghan forces have upped the anti for fighting in the winter. If you had stats on the number of insurgents kia this would be shown. But it is not about body counts.
Never been a big numbers guy in the past, however they do tell a story, as I am starting learn (without a statistics class, yet). In this case there are many things to gain from numbers, the increase in IED numbers and CF deaths. Agreed there are underlying circumstances to both. The biggest being CF numbers have increased as have the number of operations. A quieter number is the IED one. Not just the number of IEDs but also the types, how they are being initiated, built, etc... The lessons from Iraq are flooding into Afghanistan, no doubt the fighters as well. Throw in the growing (size) of the safe haven in Pakistan and the dynamics change immensly, in a short period of time.

NATO is an animal of itself.....