Quote Originally Posted by Sergeant T View Post
Watched a Frontline a few weeks ago entitled Inside the Meltdown. The thing that amazed me were all of the giants of Wall Street essentially coming to the same conclusion (we've screwed the pooch) at about the same time. Like some convoy of drivers that's been staring at the speedometer, only to look up and realize the road is about to run out. How is it that nobody looked up?

Has anybody out there seen anything reasonable or rational that outlines how this plays out? Not We're All Gonna Die or Everything Sucks but the course this will run. It's no longer astute to observe that things are broken, which the media will probably figure out in a year or two. Everything has a bottom. I can't find anyone, aside from Strauss & Howe, that's defined what it might look like. I've taken to calling it the Barney Clark Economy: Old heart's dead, don't have a new donor so we're just getting by on this bypass machine.

Some guy on Larry King just said the DOW could drop to 6,000 before it stops.

Some other place I read an article (and can not remember where it was), but he said some countries were trying to figure out how to really use this situation to their advantage against the US in way that hurts us permantley without going to War.