Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post

1) Summers got more wrong than he did right. His 'strategy' was for a war that didn't exist.Having been around then, I know that's specious.This is the suggestion I say is completely wrong.

2) First, the American people handle war very well. If they did not we wouldn't have so many and they wouldn't last as long as they do. Insulating them from war is directly opposite of what should be done. The dipwad politicians try that in every war; the insulation stupidity and it always fails. I don't know about your warfighting experience but I've got over six years worth plus another 24 years of service and your comment that warfighters are the only people who are truly entitled in this country is flat wrong. In fact, in my book, it's insulting to anyone who has gone off and fought.

3) Every American citizen is as entitled as every other American citizen to opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as they see it. If you've been off fighting a war, you did it just so that could be the case and you have a greater obligation to insure that it remains true than did those who did not go.

4) The sentiment you express may sit well in another country but it is totally inappropriate in this one IMO.

5) The rest of your post doesn't merit much comment as it is a totally unworkable idea..

1) I'm not going to argue Summer's main thesis, but are you saying the civilian leadership did do an adequate job in Vietnam?

2) The American people handle war when its going good and start crying when its going bad. They're better off not thinking about it. I certainly don't believe that war-fighters are "the ONLY" group that are truly entitled, just more so than others. As far as you being "insulted," I don't know why? I just believe that soldiers, vets, and their families should be taken care of before any other "interest group." I apologize if this is offensive.

3) I'm not sure why you're telling me this? But since you mentioned it, if I had it my way I would require voters to take a literacy/civics test that costs about $100. Anyone who doesn't know who the vice president is, or, who can't scrape up $100 (every 10 years) wouldn't be allowed to vote.

4) What sentiment are you talking about?

5) I'm not sure what you're talking about here? What exactly is the "totally unworkable idea."