Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
...The second catagory also has to be worked - if not to the point of conversion, at least to the point of understanding and acceptance of your candidates and positions.
I think one has to be very careful with exactly what constitutes that 'working.' Americans can spot BS from a mile away.
...American leadership and its people have tended to be relatively non-militaristic, rather than anti-militaristic. My perception, of course.
Mine also -- which is why I continue to not see it as a concern. Were that to change, then it would be a concern.

Still seems to me that the armed forces' professional capability and performance are the keys to (a) keeping the non or anti military levels among the populace at an sensibly low level; (b) keeping the anti civilian inclinations of the military at the same low level and (c) maintaining a realistic and pragmatic relationship with the media who will always be skeptical and never be terribly friendly -- much less fans.