Quote Originally Posted by BobKing View Post
The Pentagon is likely to take the rare action of adding a new combatant commander, this one for cyber warfare.
No such thing as Cyber "Warfare." Warfare is the conduct of war. There might be "Cyber Operations," but that is not war.

Why create just a cyber combatant command?
Why indeed. Doesn't the NSA already do this?

Similarly, why should each service recruit, organize, train and equip information assurance professionals and other related specialties?
If this was indeed correct, then for the same reason each has it's own AIR, EW, and Logistic support. They are domain specific.

Why does a programmer need to run 3 miles? We have an entire generation growing up comfortable using the complex controllers associated with Halo 3 and Guitar Hero, just to name a couple popular titles. Does it make sense to say to them, "Sorry, we can't use you to monitor and adjust the orbit of a satellite if you can't do 40 push-ups in two minutes?"
because a fit body is a fit mind, and if he hasn't got the self-control and determination to get to do 40 push ups, I don't want him walking my dog, let alone part of my army.

Consider the stereotypical images conjured up of "uber geeks", college IT support staff or attendees at a hackers convention (e.g. DEF CON): long (sometimes different colored) hair, may not pass a uniform inspection, may not even fit in a uniform. But does that mean we should keep them out of the cyber fight if they are willing to serve?
They probably look like that for a reason. If they want to serve why didn't they sign up?

Yes, I am being deliberately confrontational for constructive reasons. The armed forces is a not a place for the "physically and socially challenged" and Cyber is more than likely an EW activity and folks are already doing that.