LTC Conti (Ph.D. Computer Science, U.S. Military Academy) provided the link to his new article (January 2009) after I emailed him regarding this blog post.

For anyone interested in this subject, his Is it Time for a Cyberwarfare Branch of Military? is in the "must read" category.

Army, Navy, Air Force, and Cyber—Is it Time for a Cyberwarfare Branch of Military?
LTC Gregory Conti and COL John “Buck” Surdu
IAnewsletter Vol 12 No 1 Spring 2009


"The cultures of today’s military services are fundamentally incompatible with the culture required to conduct cyberwarfare."

"To understand the culture clash evident in today’s existing militaries, it is useful to examine what these services hold dear—skills such as marksmanship, physical strength, and the ability to jump out of airplanes and lead combat units under enemy fire. Accolades are heaped upon those who excel in these areas. Unfortunately, these skills are irrelevant in cyberwarfare."

"Ultimately, the role of fighting and winning in cyberspace is a military mission, which demands a military organization—one that can recruit, train, and retain highly qualified cyberwarfare combatants."