Brand new Pvt (support guy) arrives to the unit. The night prior while at replacement he recieved a Red Cross Message. (I won't get into the lack of leadership at replacement, save that for another time.) By the time the soldier gets to us it is approx 1500. Immediately I'm briefed about the Red Cross Message. The soldier cannot afford a plane ticket home (poor country boy sending all his money to Mom and Dad). I send him to AER with an NCO. They return with a laundry list of required documentation and by the way AER closes at 1630. I wait till 1645, then call the Red Cross. After 30 minutes on the phone the Red Cross secured him a round trip ticket for 6 am the next morning. Red Cross can approve the use of AER funds, the soldier ultimately will pay the money for the ticket back to AER. Bottomline, in cases of securing travel for emergencies, bypass AER go straight to the Red Cross and it will happen fast. Just some info to put in your kit bag.