Has condom use in Africa been demonstrated to decrease AIDS rates of transmission? I'd like to see some good numbers on that from someone who's budget doesn't depend on showing that metric.
Answer: Yes condom use reduces HIV transmission.

Is condom use a tough sell in Africa? Yes due to cultural mores

Does condom use vary according to religion? Yes

Since the Pope believes the soul is immortal, it is not in his interest to throw out a central issue within the church (monogamic sex within marriage) to satisfy people who ignore him and what he stands for anyway....
The point being they as African Catholics do not ignore him when it comes to condom use. Many males use the pronouncement as a reason not to use condoms.

If he did, he would be analogous to the moronic doctor's organizations who decry the private ownership of guns every year. Like the doctors, it's really not his bailiwick.
Agreed. He probably should NOT be addressing health issues as a matter of faith but he did make the pronouncement.
