didn't go there because I didn't transfer to MI or take the Advanced Course until it was at Hoochie Cooch.

I suspect you are right that at one time colors could refer to content but it became obvious that separating PSYOP from deception and disinformation was more useful than maintaining the color scheme for content.

Regarding your specific question: I guess telling the story again is worthwhile. My friend worked sub-Saharan Africa. They were looking for ways to discredit the Soviets in the region. Someone came across Soviet anti-Islam propaganda designed for use in Central Asia. Still, it was real Soviet stuff. The op took this stuff and ran it in the Muslim countries of sub-Saharan Africa claiming it originated from the Soviets (true) and passing it off as targeting the Muslim population of the region by the Soviet govt and embassies in the region. Hence, this was a classic case of a Black Propaganda op with great results. To use the content and source scheme you would have to call this Black source and white content. too confusing for my littel brain.

