Quote Originally Posted by patmc View Post
Found this off drudge this evening, from the Washington Post:

"The End of the Global War On Terror" by Al Kamen 3/24/09


DOD is officially ditching GWOT, and discouraging use of the Long War, both old news. The replacement, however, will be Overseas Contingency Operation. That will show, al Qaeda!

Years from now at the American Legion, a youngster will ask a grizzled old vet, "Sir, what ribbon is that?" With pride, the proud veteran will reply, "That's my OCO ribbon. We didn't always think we'd win the OCO, but we stuck with it, and earned a hard-fought victory."

I personally am not a huge fan of GWOT, and prefer The Long War," but Overseas Contingency Operation? Not very inspiring, but that is just me.
How'd you like to be the guy who has to come up with the new recruiting slogans for the figh...( counter-contingency effort) against the west.

OB- you must join us in our battle to counter the hegemonist's in their efforts to help the Afghan people develop contingencies to overcome our plans to force everybody to do what we want.

newbie- Ummm HUH