Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
I don't know if the current environment is a witch hunt against police. From what I have observed the corruption of law enforcement in the United States has increased at the same pace as militarization of the police. The type of corruption has changed from simple graft to contract killings and homicide. You list Chicago in your sig/block I don't have to mention the special unit that was recently broke up and had charges filed.
Police corruption is in the eye of the beholder. There are many standards and definitions of corruption. As far as I can tell every corruption article or academic paper has a different definition. IMHO a level of corruption is part and parcel of police work. It needs to be weeded out and dealt with but it will never go away. The special unit that was disbanded was brought back under another title. The unit has had eight names that I can think of. I don't know what this has to do with the "militarization" of the police? I have not seen us "Militarized". We have more restrictions on weaponry now than we ever have. These restrictions get tighter all the time. I carry a revolver just as I did when I started.

At the start of my career the chaplain told us to hold tight to our beliefs because we were going to be tempted. I am still waiting to be tempted. Some succumb.

It is also my experience that the police are the least corrupt unit of government.