Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
Not a success in SVN; and even a less likelihood in Astan.

Your concern was security for villagers who decide to co-operate. Marine CAP in Nam was the closest thing I thought of (absent an effective police force) to provide that security, bringing together a regular mainforce unit and a locally-recruited militia force.

I'm not suggesting CAP as the Holy Grail. First, it was a pilot program (some 800 villages and hamlets were "capped" - the highest number at any one time was just over 100 - a very small % of SVN's villages and hamlets); and a good pilot program does not mean a successful macro program. Second, its "success metrics" varied, depending on whether the ville was anti-VC, neutral or pro-VC, and the motivation of both Marine and village leadership. Third, not everyone is cut out to be a CAPer - so, recruitment was a problem.
Agree on the math problem - IF you put a CAP-like org in each hamlet. But each village/hamlet doesn't need its own CAP - only key ones as identified in your analysis of the area. Clear, Hold, Build, and move on - but sustain the ones left behind.

The personnel embedded don't necessarily have to be coalition either.
