given the plate which was presented by BM's release. That plate is that his offenses (if any) remain unresolved - and that the focus was shifted to the allegations of his renditions and interrogations.

I have stated before that BM ought to have been tried by the US: (1) for war crimes, "terrorist acts", etc. - if any there were; or (2) if there were no crimes, whether he was an enemy combatant (old definition) or a person who was a member or substantial supporter of AQ-Taliban-associated groups (new definition), subject to detention in the first place.

I can only infer that US political decisions were made to avoid trial because of the hot potato of his renditions and interrogations. Those decisions (in which both the Bush II and Obama administrations share responsibility) have resulted in a situation where BM's status before he was rendered and interrogated cannot be resolved - and will become submerged in the new allegations and presumably future investigative findings.

In short, BM will be presented as an "innocent victim", or at most as one who had "misbehaved" (in the words of the shadow minister). Naughty boy.