I confess to having known of the Aafia Siddiqui case just after it was filed, but it slipped through the cracks of my floorboards.

Anyway, here is the initial NY Times article re: the charges.

Pakistani Suspected of Qaeda Ties Is Held
Published: August 5, 2008

WASHINGTON — An American-trained Pakistani neuroscientist with ties to operatives of Al Qaeda has been charged with trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in a police station in Afghanistan last month, the Justice Department said Monday night.

The scientist, Aafia Siddiqui, who studied at Brandeis University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was transferred to New York on Monday, and is to be arraigned Tuesday in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, the department said in a statement.

Ms. Siddiqui, 36, disappeared with her three children while visiting her parents’ home in Karachi, Pakistan, in March 2003, leading human rights groups and her family to believe she had been secretly detained. But in interviews Monday and in a criminal complaint made public later Monday, American officials said they had no knowledge of Ms. Siddiqui’s location for the past five years until July 17, when Ms. Siddiqui and a teenage boy were detained in Ghazni, Afghanistan, after local authorities became suspicious of their loitering outside the provincial governor’s compound. ...
Had to be one embarrassed WO that day.

Now, it seems (at least in DoJ's view) that Ms Siddiqui is not nuts, but faking.

March 26, 2009, 11:18 am
Terror Suspect Faked Mental Illness, Prosecutors Say
By Benjamin Weiser

A federal prosecutor in Manhattan said Thursday that two government psychiatrists had concluded that a Pakistani neuroscientist charged with trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan had been faking her symptoms of mental illness.

An earlier court-ordered psychological evaluation had concluded that the neuroscientist, Aafia Siddiqui, 37, was unfit for trial as a result of a mental disease, “which renders her unable to understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings against her or to assist properly in her defense,” a court document shows.

Then last month, prosecutors said two new evaluations by government-retained psychiatrists had found differently, that she was not suffering from mental illness. But the prosecutors had not previously said the doctors concluded she was faking.

On Thursday, an assistant United States attorney, David Raskin, told a judge in Federal District Court that the psychiatrists, each working independently and unaware of the other’s findings, concluded that the symptoms that had been seen “were attributed to malingering.”

“It was manipulation by the defendant,” Mr. Raskin told Judge Richard M. Berman, “as opposed to any signs of serious mental illness.” .....
We shall see whether "gaming the system" is in play.