Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
So how do you know you are "inside the enemies OODA Loop"? Because you are just doing something faster? That may only become apparent when you actually see the result of your actions, - which rarely if ever happens.
I was in a squad on squad ambush in Afghanisan once where we suppressed the enemy and manuevered out of the kill zone so quickly that the enemy still believed we were in the kill zone and continued to engage the area they thought we were in while we manuevered on their flanks. They were never able to recover from this mistake and could never really reorient on our forces and figure out where we were and what we were up to until it was too late.

I would say that we were inside their OODA loop because our quick decision making and appropriate actions meant that the enemy was deciding and acting an orientation that was based on observations that were no longer accurate.