Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
By controlling the money supply the Government can pay for the programs that will benefit the country(population) by following the greatest Strategic Plan ever written.

The 6 core missions of the government....Americanism are listed in the Preamble to our Strategic Plan...Uh I mean Constitution.

1-Form a more perfect Union
2-Establish Justice
3-Insure Domestic Tranquility
4-Provide for the Common Defense
5-Promote the General Welfare
6-Secure the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and Future Generations
I would argue that those 6 core missions have been accomplished. Our country functions on a rule of law, it is safe from internal and external threats, we've got a high standard of living - even our underclass - and we're free. Returning to my earlier point - what the people have chosen to do with these blessings is squander them with a long series of bad choices. This economic nutroll wasn't caused by mishandling of the money supply. It was caused by widespread unethical conduct. How one handles the money supply has nothing to do with whether people will behave ethically and responsibly in their pursuit of that money.