Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
Liberty includes the right to be stupid, so long as that stupidity does not hurt anyone else...
Based on daily observation over the years, it appears more ignored than heeded by numbers of our fellow citizens and certainly by the majority of our Politicians.
...So, "Congress and all the Politicians" do not get a free pass in all cases - nor do judges, lawyers and retired CSMs.
No one ever gets a free pass IMO -- a 'bye' OTOH, I believe, means that one gets to advance to the next or another round / attempt with outplaying or being penalized.

Thus IMO everyone, even the Lawyers, gets the proverbial three strikes...

Minor nit-noid correction; not a CSM, there seemed to be some silly concern over early Courts Martial -- yes, that is the plural -- that precluded my attaining that august rank. Still, I did get to do the job sans the title in two Battalions and Two Brigades, one each in both peacetime and combat. Leading me to conclude that Bde CSMs (much less those in the upper echelons) were probably not totally necessary. So just plain old vanilla SGM -- with much time in grade...
PS: I'm glad someone is citing the Constitution as our basic plan - good job.
Me too. I particularly enjoy that when it is also correctly used. Not that Slapout misused it but others sure do...

Congress, for example, does not even seem to be aware of it's existence...


Thanks again for all your posts and particularly the legal updates. They're more appreciated than you may know.