Here's the November 2006 Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq Quarterly Report
Just the ExecSum runs to three-and-a-half pages, so I only pulled out these base-line numbers:
...In the past three months, the total number of attacks increased 22%. Some of this increase is attributable to a seasonal spike in violence during Ramadan. Coalition forces remained the target of the majority of attacks (68%), but the overwhelming majority of casualties were suffered by Iraqis. Total civilian casualties increased by 2% over the previous reporting period. 54% of all attacks occurred in only 2 of Iraq’s 18 provinces (Baghdad and Anbar). Violence in Iraq was divided along ethnic, religious, and tribal lines, and political factions within these groups, and was often localized to specific communities. Outside of the Sunni Triangle, more than 90% of Iraqis reported feeling very safe in their neighborhoods. Still, concern regarding civil war ran high among the Iraqi populace....
Of course, CSIS has a follow-up, dated 22 Dec 06:

The DoD Quarterly Report on Stability and Security in Iraq: The Warning Indicators

This time Cordesman has followed a different format - he's excerpting whole sections of the report, and inserting his comments in italics at the pertinent places in the narrative. It makes for an interesting read, but for clarity's sake I recommend reading the DoD report in its entirety before going over the CSIS paper.