I have little doubt that SOCOM was the driver on the HH 47 and I totally agree that CSAR is not and should not be a SOCOM mission -- though they will fight for it (and not for altruistic reasons) and have a lever in the PR and validation mission they have long had. Also agree that it will not be good for CSAR and would lead to their fragmentation and misuse. I'm with you on all three points.

He probably is torqued at Boeing -- and they deserve it -- I think he and even the Bean Counters at DoD understand the need for the CSAR mssion but just believe the current capability situation can wait a bit for improvement.

Not to mention that LM can stand the F22 hit...

I still think Buy American, the S-92 and the CSAR and Prez Flight missions are remarakbly synergistic.