Quote Originally Posted by Coined View Post
That's correct.
The article is mine.

So, now it is time for some valuable indepth discussions about permanent modular organised units based upon the a 3Block warfare scenario. Imho there is a consistentcy in permissive, semi-permissive and non-permissive. You cannot seperate them as they are interconnected. Sometimes one of the three is manifest, for instance non-permissive. Then you can talk about a full scale war, also when that is the case the permissive and semi-permissiv still make part of your approach towards those we categorise as opponents.
We have to adapt our organisation to that.
I may not be a smart man but I know post modernist babble when I see it.

What is this saying?

And then, why?

Can anyone other than the author even begin to guess as what it has to do with COIN ?

If I was ever captured, forget the waterboarding , or even the powerdrill like the good old AQI funsters.. I would scream for mercy if people continually read what routinely passes as 'COIN' writing in many journals to me...

Gian, mate, where are you? ... don't fight against COIN initiatives, use those professorial skills to rage against poor expression and prose. We are drowning it , Orwell is spinning in his grave.
