Sometimes I forget to say,

"Welcome home brothers....Thank YOU for your service."

Last week, one of my boys was killed by his wife in an accident. Keep that in mind as you conduct safety briefs....

RIP SGT Eric Autio. See you on the final dropzone brother.

Eric was one of my paratroopers. His death is a shock and tragic, but his life was beautiful. He positively impacted everyone arround him with his strength, humor, and character.

Second platoon never rolled mounted without listening to OAR. So tonight, in memorandum, I ask you to join me in remembrance of a good man. Grab your drink of choice, kick back, and remember.

here's part my deployed brothers, know we're thinking of you....

I apologize for my emotional outburts, but better on-line that can be erased...that's the way I found to resolve and return to the "real" world.

