Considering the social contract...

Perhaps love is not meant for me
Heartache persist no matter what happens
Maybe I’m incapable of marriage or love
That last a lifetime

Love is neither the absence of sorrow nor grief
Do you think I don’t desire to run from this passion that consumes?
Let it fade,
Restored in faith.

I’m not going anywhere
I will wait

Intuition, passion, and creativity are double-edge
One moment love erupts as the volcano burst
Next, the wave crashes and the sky falls down
Ride it out; you are strong

No doubt I weep; I will not sleep
But rest knowing I am near

The paths have merged, no longer to diverge
Patience is practice in perpetual peace

This to shall pass; the storm shall fade.
Today I help you; tomorrow, you me.
In hopes of better days
I hope you gaze upon the star gazer lilies

At times I doubt, I am but man
Fickle fallen forth, I do not know lest
Frolic to and fro
Ever more I persist

No worries all you have so do is say yes when I ask
Thoughts tempered time to delay
Is not the crux of every man?
You will go in this way and find your own way out.

Thanks for words encourage.
I’m sorry I’m out.
Can’t be helped.
All for tonight.

I know love. No need to talk tonight
Just know I’m here.
I love you with every breath. This I know.

Thank you means a lot.
Sleep refreshingly.
Drearily dreaming in some form of truth
Distraught no more

In the midst of suffering,
I embrace and enjoy you delightfulness
I never thought it could be true
Disregard doubt