Here is what Ricks wrote:
These institutions strike me as second-rate. If we want to open the minds of rising officers and prepare them for top command, we should send them to civilian schools where their assumptions will be challenged, and where they will interact with diplomats and executives, not to a service institution where they can reinforce their biases while getting in afternoon golf games.
The funny thing is that I, as a former Soldier, have the same impression about the "profession" that Ricks is in (I mean journalism, not ego-driven self-promotion).

Journalism schools strike me as second-rate. If we want to open the minds of rising journalists and prepare them for the top news outlets, we should send them to military schools where their assumptions will be challenged, and where they will interact with future military officers, not to a left-leaning civilian institution where they can reinforce their biases while smoking weed and protesting.