"Iraq & the Evolution of American Strategy" by some guy from Carlisle Barracks, and Truppenführung, HeeresDienstVorschrift 300 (in translation)

Putting Iraq in the title of "Iraq & the Evolution of American Strategy" is good marketing, but almost deceptive. It's an excellent discussion of the bizarre nature of national strategy in a democratic state. It shares one failing of most discussions of U.S. foreign policy; the complete absence of any effort to identify U.S. national interests. How can one rationally discuss threats without consideration of what is threatened? Of course, any effort to get Americans to clearly and concisely state U.S. national interests either causes protracted stammering and sputtering, or starts a brawl.

I could make the case that you don't understand U.S. Army doctrine until you understand Truppenführung. That might be an overstatement, but reading this, it is clear that the U.S. Army is a great German achievement.