Please take time to read all the postings by various Pakhtuns on GLOBAL HUJRA ONLINE blog site as their statements are grim, estimating the whole Pakistan ball of was could collapse within 6 months.

I have noticed via media renewed helictoper and tactical aircraft attacks against advancing Taliban, but I keep getting private e-mails from those still there saying what is most needed now are Pakistani Army and Frontier Corp troops, on the ground, attacking and defeating directly the Taliban. This as we all know is not happening.

My two cents as a very old Pakistan hand (1963-1965) is that the idiots who are treating this whole collapse inside Pakistan as happened in 1938 in Munich with the Nazis is that the Pak military will try to stir up a new fight with India to distract everyone, and in the process get themselves stomped on by the Indian Army and then Pakistan will be wide open for Taliban/al Qaida completion of an internally violent take over.

BIGGEST cultural issue is unwillingness of Pakhtuns to fight the Taliban who are also ethnic Pakhtuns. Hidden in this dicotomy is the long standing, simmering interest of some but not all by any means Pakhtuns to revolt against both Pakistan and Afghanistan and form a new nation, Pakhtuwana, or some such title.

Pakhtuns nationalism is contributing to the problem and in my opinion is a 100% direct enabler of the advance of the Taliban.

Big damn mess.