This is the DoS press release that explains that the State Department is going to use military reservists because it can't fill the 250 slots it has in Afghanistan. It says it is "essential" to have a civilian increase, but reservists will be the "most effective way" to fill the slots. 21,000 Soldiers, 250 civilians, but we'll use Soldiers to fill the civilian slots because the civilians can't. Guess that qualifies as "extraordinary steps."


* President Obama has made clear that a significant increase in
civilian personnel in Afghanistan is an essential component of our
strategy to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its safe havens
in Pakistan, and to prevent their return to Pakistan or Afghanistan.

* We welcome the participation of military reservists in a
civilian plan if that is the most effective way to reach our plan

* The United States is taking a "whole of government" approach to
meeting this critical need for civilian expertise. The process for
identifying and hiring civilians has already begun, and in close
coordination with our international partners and the Afghan government,
we are determining the right mix of civilian expertise required to meet
our shared strategic goal.

* We will be using all authorities, including extraordinary steps
such as term appointments and curtailments of current assignments, to
fill the positions required for this mission. We intend to fill the
civilian positions on schedule. The civilian plan is totally integrated
with the military plan and will move seamlessly behind counterinsurgency