Hammarabi sought
to codify constructs
became known as law
across the land.
Limitations on misuse
Still, gluttony pursues
Karl Marx right
in many ways
as it pertains
to AIG
Love, Hope, and faith
never forlorn
We still patrol
in regulation
despite Keynesian worship
the quiet professional
big stick, soft walk
once again
Contracts still
to be negoitiated
any man-made construct
bound to be flawed.

Military to implement
whatever men dream
Pray for POTUS
wisdom, righteousness and such

In understanding
we cannot hope to control
others hearts and minds.

Accidental guerillas
grievances real or perceived
drones scorched the earth
in cowardice perceived

either occupy, assist
FID or forlorn
Neither choice broached.

In arguments over merit
and tabs, ribbons, and medals
disagreements over language
as terrain to geology
to human terrain to ethonography

the human condition and dimension persist