As an academic for the past 38 years and as a retired officer with 28 years of commissioned service, I have a foot in each camp. The first thing I'd say to you is a quote of one of my favortie lines, "Always bet on stupidity." - whether it is found in academia or the military. I really have heard some remarkably stupid things said by liberals and conservatives, civilians and military alike. Occasionally, I hear smart things said by folks in all of these camps.

The second point I'd make is one that you have already discovered. This site is much more civil about disagreement and debate than most. Bill and Dave and the moderators simply won't accept incivility and we all try to keep our discussion on a professional level.

Third, we have a pretty wide range of opinion and experience here. We have old guys like Ken and me, and many young folk and a whole bunch in between. We have academics, cops, soldiers, marines, and even a lawyer or two (like JMM). So, this is a place to hold real intellectual discussions, grounded in "boots on the ground" reality.

One suggestion: Perhaps, you could introduce some of your academic colleagues to the SWJ - a few might actually choose to contribute.

