Something I often think about is how some people desperately need to have enemies. How their hyper sense of self righteousness requires an enemy. From this frame you can see how ‘enlightened’ members of academia from a progressive-activist bent will demonize the military to secure their identity.

“I’m a good person, seeking to advance humanity” they think, therefore there must be forces that are bad and regressive. The military will then personify these bad and regressive forces, it must, because it is the closest thing available. The military deals in death and destruction; like most people (even military people) they see death and destruction with disgust, but they turn their disgust of these acts into moral disgust.

I like giving the argument to such people that a military base operates similar to ideal socialism; and how surprised I am that a socially conscious person such as themselves is not indeed celebrating this. Sometimes I will get a smile and can see their mind opening. Often this comment is a surgical strike on their worldview, and is met with anger, hostility, and a belligerent response.

Hah, that’s irony; this post delves more into the theoretical then realistic.