some training - of the remedial kind ? Thus, from Gary Roughhead via Reuters:

U.S. Navy says fight against pirates needed ashore
Mon May 4, 2009 11:23pm BST
By Andrea Shalal-Esa

NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland (Reuters) - The fight against piracy must involve efforts on land and at sea, the U.S. Navy's top officer said on Monday, saying the issue was more complex than just putting arms on commercial ships.

"Pirates don't live at sea. They live ashore. They move their money ashore. You can't have a discussion about eradicating piracy without having a discussion about the shore dimension," Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Gary Roughead told reporters after a speech at a Navy League conference.

He said the area off the coast of Somalia was four times the size of Texas and there were complex legal issues involved. He said it was also not clear that the shipping industry wanted to begin using armed convoys to protect ships against pirates. ....
A land operation is probably within the scope of the UN Resolutions linked in a prior post. A "coalition of the willing" might well be harder to obtain.