Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
We're still pressing full steam ahead trying to make a Cold War strategy work in a rapidly changing environment.

Many military commentors and analysts who also take the correctness of that obsolete strategy look at the resultant friction to it and our challenges in dealing with the misdiagnosed threats as being "hybrid" or "irregular."
Well Bob, what worries me is that everyone wants to believe that it is all changing when it is not.
  • Al Qieda is NOT A NEW TYPE of enemy. They are a very old one.
  • War is not becoming more complex.
  • The challenges of today are not "greater than the cold war" - just different

The problem is the folks inventing the problems, which forgives stupidity, and allow solutions of choice, rather than solutions of need.

All this "complex adaptive" stuff is rubbish. If want complex adaptation, look at 1914-18! Far worse than anything the world could throw at us today.

All that is needed is adjustment, not revolution, and re-building.