This is taken from, sub blog page: Global Hujra Online and interestingly suggests anti-Americanism is not as rampant as the Pakistani and other world media might have us believe.

Your thoughtful opinions invited on this topic, in conjunctin with how this very different suggested theme of more pro than anti Americanism seems in context of Admiral Olsen's article of goals and objectives.


Today, 05:16 AM
Salaar Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 2,205


Originally Posted by Dirojae
Here goes:
Anti-Americanism runs very deep among the Pashtun populace as opposed to Anti-Pakistanism or even anti-Talibanism which is unfortunate and hypocritical considering the fact that Muslim Pakistan has failed to provide security to Pashtuns, has looted our resources and oppressed our Nationhood and culture more than any non-Muslim force ever has. Consider this: Pashtuns in Eastern Pashtun Watan can still be seen having a soft corner for the Taliban regime of Mullah Omar. It is still considered a legitimate resistance movement waging 'Jihad' against the infidel US. I have been bashed quite a few times for preferring the Infidel US over the Muslim Punjabi. So, as things stand at the moment, US is not welcome in Pashtun Watan.

The Anti-Americanism you are talking about is the hype of the Pakistani media and and the right-wing security apparatus of the state. This apparently got acceptance mainly because the indoctrination process all at level is unchallenged. This is the superficial judgment of the situation. Even this superfluous conclusion can easily be reputed with one example that it was the US which supported the Afghan Fasad and the Mullahs, Militants and the Military received huge amount of money from the US for their so-called Jehad. The ordinary people loved to get US Green Card.

In the recent few years it seems Anti-Americanism is one rise. It is true about Pakistan in general but it is totally false as far as Pukhtoons are concerned. If people could relate Anti-Americanism with the victory of MMA in 2002 Elections I can as well relate Pro-Americanism with the victory of ANP in 2008 Elections. But this is also not my point.

There is no such thing as Anti-Americanism in Pukhtoonkhwa though the Pakistani media is quite successful to perpetuate it in Punjab. They have their own reasons for that because they can easily predict their near future and the collapse of the state which they have been dominating so far. Inside Pukhtoonkhwa Pukhtoon intelligentsia and the secular and moderate political forces are openly in favor of America, Fazlu Rahman supports America behind the screen and only Jumat-e-Islami is against it. The rest of the population don’t care whether they are government by the Pakis or American as long as their life is secured and they receive cheap food, low utility bills and low inflation rate. Quite recently the situation has drastically changed because the people have lost all hopes in state institutions. Initially Taliban exploited the situations but when they saw the real face of Taliban they are praying for the devil to free them from the Taliban on the one hand and the brutal state institution on the other hand. In such case people have all eyes on the Americans. In Orakazai people have already welcomed drone attacks and in Swat the situation will be no more different. Let’s see what reports come from other part of Pukhtoonkhwa but I am dead sure they will be no different from the one we receive from Waziristan and Orakzai.

There is another psychological aspect of the so-called Anti-Americanism in Pukhtoonkhwa. The people are jealous with the Americans and their massive development; at the same time the people expect the Americans to help them. When they see no ray of hope they start barging against the American but in their heart they knew the old British Masters and their infrastructure was more people friendly than the one they experienced in Pakistan. This nostaligia for the colonialism is testimony to the fact that the people will welcome the American if they come to help and rescue Pukhtoons.