Quote Originally Posted by Rob Thornton View Post
Well I've departed a bit from the original thrust of the discussion and perhaps the issue is can we (and should we) generate the capabilities (this includes programs, policies and authorities as well as resources) needed by operational requirements to meet their requirements?
Hi Rob. I just had a chance to read both documents. Good work so far and good discussion here. I think you just addressed the two key questions (should we and can we), but for now we have to do it. As Boot says, the SECDEF says so.

I'll submit one topic for discussion that may be helpful that was not quite addressed in your current draft.

1. Relationship building. In my experience, the ability to build, develop, and foster relationships with FSF is the key to success. If it's done well, then other issues can fall to the wayside. Once you develop the relationships, the you can foster trust. Trust is a combat multiplier.

If it's okay, I'd like to pass this on to a GPF unit that is prepping to do SFA to see if it is helpful for them. I can send feedback once they have a chance to absorb it.

Also, from your standpoint, what is the difference between SFA, FID, and combat FID?

