I think what these people are talking about is Hybrid warfare against "Hybrid Threats,"

Much I as I know, respect and like Frank Hoffman, I think the concept is a very bad idea, and like "Complex" and "Assymetric" it's an invented problem. Hezbollah is clearly not a "Hyrbrid" threat. Why say that they are?

  • It adds a dimension that adds complexity and thus confusion for no useful purpose.
  • It's a-historical. We didn't need to talk about them in the past. Why now?
  • It risks talking down to US soldiers. - and in my opinion does.
  • It is evidence free. Once the evidence is tested, you have to ask "so what"
  • It buys into all the old "post modern" myths, like "wars amongst the people." and 4GW. These ideas are merely opinions and similarly lacking in evidence.

Why do it? None of the world class military historians that I know, are hand-wringing over "Hybrid."

Put it this way. Talking about "Hyrbid" allows you to stop thinking, in the same way that telling a child that wall clocks have tiny men inside them making them work.