Quote Originally Posted by Cavguy View Post
Among 1st Lt Gray's team, some are fit for advisor duty and others not so much. Gray's desire to learn and empathy skills earn him respect among his charges. He is clearly the type of mentally flexible officer we want for this kind of duty.
THE chronic issue with RFF MiTTs in my opinion. I have not read your review yet, but will. Not sure if Gray's MiTT was "out of hide" or RFF. The advantage that "out of hide" MiTTs have is that the Bn and BDE commanders select who is on the team. Unfortunately, I don't think enough thought or consideration of special and required skills goes into the selection process; which is a shame.

Unfortunately, the Army has no systemic method of ensuring the right person gets to the right job, we continue mostly as interchangeable cogs in the HRC machine.
My hope is that this can be remedied by the AAB/SFA concept, or the advisor branch/FA concept. The talent and required personal attributes that would make someone a good Advisor exists in BCTs...it's just a matter of finding it. I also hope that rank is not a consideration. One of the best members of my MiTT was our E-5 medic; who almost single handedly created and trained all of the personnel in the Medical platoon of the Iraqi Battalion we advised. He possessed many of the same attributes of 1LT Gray.

The way forward is to recognize that these capabilities are rooted in individual talent, and that we should consider our DOTMLPF practices and policies to support better individual development in these areas. The areas should include a review of what we really require in terms of individual capabilities at every level (E1/W1/01 and up), and then with that knowledge change our leader development and education programs from the time we recruit and assess all the way through our senior education programs.
Of course understanding that is long term. I think the 50m target is finding out what worked/was effective training at our MiTT training institutions based off AARs from the field (hopefully they've been done). I'm sure you guys are on top of that; I'd be interested to see tour AARs from MiTTs; and what trends have emerged as success/unsuccess.

Further we should look at the developmental assignment path with foster and promote these experiences so they are inculcated into leaders at every level. There is work to do in the other DOTMLPF categories to support this as well. I’ve attached a one slide overview of how we might better address developing SFA capabilities if done so as part of a broader human resources strategy vs. trying to generate these capabilities in mid flight.
Is this what a possible SFA branch or FA will be borne from? Or in lieu of that, allow individuals to be career members of AABs?

Rob, thanks for the emails, as well.