I greatly agree with Tom and have nearly gotten into fist fights with some of my peers over this photo.

First, the only reason this photo came to be is because that Soldier was out doing his job. How do you think the other two would feel if he WASN'T there? What do you think his leaders would say if he decided to stay in his rack rather than go to his position because the enemy picked an inconvenient time to attack?

Second, if wearing pink boxers makes this guy feel a little more at home out in a remote hellhole in the mountains of Afghanistan, more power to him. I get disgusted with individuals who look down on the methods others use to cope (often while flaunting their own). Obviously the only way to cope with the stress of a deployment is what THEY do, not what someone else chooses to do. So long as its not unethical, illegal, immoral or unsafe, then there isn't a problem.

Third, take a close look at the picture. The Soldier next to him is wearing sneakers. The one on the far right might be as well (can't really tell from the dirt). None of them are wearing a uniform top. I highly doubt that they're wearing whatever the SOP says to wear. So if you feel that this "uniform violation" is the real crime, you need to hold all three Soldiers feet to the uniform standard fire. If he's a horrible monster endangering his entire platoon, then the other two are as well.

And just my own $0.02....

I'd rather have a company full of pink boxered fighters who know their role, know the battle drills, and will go out on the line instead of rolling over in their cot.

I'll take "mission first" over "mission right after I ask the enemy to hold on while I get some pants on" any day.